
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

NaBloPoMo Beginnings Day 24

Talk about an ending that made you happy.

Well looking back on life, I am sure I can be all deep and philosophical and discuss all of the endings that, in those moments, I thought was the end of the world. But with gained perspective and a bit of knowledge, I have come to realize they weren't endings at all, but beginnings that have ultimately led me here, to this place of happy.

But all that makes my head hurt.

So I am going to go with the end of Harry Potter. I have read the Epilogue over and over again. It is one of the most complete endings of a book. Another extremely poignant, yet beautiful ending was the series, "Six Feet Under." Wow, they really covered all of them. I don't want to go into detail in case there are those out there that have not experienced these endings and may want to some day.

I know we don't get to choose our endings in life, but maybe we can change the way we see them and take away that negative element that makes endings so sad and scary. Because no matter what, they are inevitable.

NaBloPoMo Beginnings Day 23

What new thing did you begin this past weekend?

Weeeell, I went to 3 different Lowe's in one day, consequently taking up a lot of a beautiful Saturday. For a little back story, we are refinishing our basement. When I say we, I mean mostly my parents. It is their retired project they are working on together. One could say that this is their way of continuing to systematically control me after all of these years. But hey, I get a free new basement out of it. So why 3 different Lowe's? Dad's military discount, that's why. I love a discount. Later down the road, when we are more financially secure to spend hundreds of dollars on light fixures, we may replace them. But for now, they'll not only do, but we are picked them out together and like them.
It has actually gone a LOT better than I thought it would. They have really listened to us and tried to accommodate our sometimes picky taste and opinions about how we want things to look. Plus we have pulled our weight...mudding is no joke. So most things we have agreed on, sometimes they have to concede with what we think looks best and sometimes we have to concede with what is easiest. But try to talk my dad into a handle rather than a knob (what's the difference you ask, good effin question.), and you will feel the wrath of my father. A handle does NOT belong on a bi-fold closet door. That is a job, only a knob can do.

NaBloPoMo Beginnings Day 22

How do you feel about unfinished projects?

My whole life is one unfinished project. Next question...

Thursday, January 26, 2012

NaBloPoMo Beginnings Day 21

What movies have you turned off in the middle, and why?

The only ones I can come up are horror movies. I have this rule where I can only watch horror movies in October. It just makes sense to me then. I will watch really terrible ones, too. But there have been a few that we couldn't make it through. Both my husband and I watch a lot of movies (well we used to watch more but that is neither here nor there). We really respect film and all that goes into it: directing, cinematography, lighting, acting, etc. But we are also not movie snobs and will watch silly, goofy movies and the occasionally romantic comedy, but try to steer clear of tragic love stories.
The last movie I watched and really enjoyed all of the elements: "Tree of Life." It is a real thinker and quite a conversation piece.
The last movie we watched until the bitter end and couldn't turn away even though maybe we should have: "Bellflower"
The last movie that was stupid but I laughed my arse off at: "A Good Old Fashioned Orgy"
The last movie that I thought was a really good coming of age movie since the likes of "Stand By Me": "Super 8"

NaBloPoMo Beginnings Day 20

How do you feel about not finishing a book once you've read a few chapters?

Easy. I do it all the time. There are some YA books that I cannot finish, some I will skip to the end, cringe, and never look back. There are a lot that I cannot put down and pull all-nighters to finish.
Now with adult books, especially those that come highly recommended by trustworthy sources, I may put them down now and come back to them. Sometimes I feel like it may not be the right time and place and that is ok.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

NaBloPoMo Beginnings Day 19

What is something you recently started that you know you won't finish?

Oh man, I don't even wanna think like that-why you be hatin' nablopomo? I have unfinished projects all over this house, but I WILL finish them...maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, maybe finishing them means throwing them away, but I refuse to take on negative talk when it comes to stuff like that. If it doesn't get finished, then it was never meant to, but in most cases things I start, I see through until the end.

NaBloPoMo Beginnings Day 18

What have you recently started that you know you'll finish?

Work for my GSA (Gay-Straight Alliance) at the high school. We have a trivia night coming up and wow, is it keeping me busy. It's a good thing I have a student teacher or I would be putting in some looooong days. But it has been some work, getting letters out to all of the community businesses to ask for donations and such for the silent auction. We still have so much to do, like decorations, money collection for tables, drawings, prizes, putting together stuff that we already have for the silent auction, oh and coming up with trivia questions-ah! I am probably forgetting somethings. This is our biggest fundraising event and it is stressful, but it will all come together and I do see an end in sight! It is definitely a big project that I have taken on, but when it comes to my GSA, I always follow through to the finish!

Friday, January 20, 2012

NaBloPoMo Beginnings Day 17

Which do you enjoy more - the start of a book or the end?

That is a tough question. I love beginning of a really good book. I love getting to know the characters and being swept away into their lives. I love series, because at the end of a really great book, I know there will be more, but the end of a really great series contains so many emotions in one. If it is well-written then I feel joy for the characters that they worked everything out. I may feel immense sadness that I won't be a part of these characters lives anymore, but I can take solace in the fact that they will remain a part of mine. If I miss them I can pick up the book and start all over.

NaBloPoMo Beginnings Day 16

If you miss the first few minutes of a movie, do you still want to watch the rest of it?

That's tough. It definitely depends on the movie. If I have already watched the movie before, I can pretty much pick it up anywhere, unless it is a classic that I own, like Goonies or The Princess Bride, then I will just pop in the DVD and watch it from the beginning. But if it's a cheesy romantic comedy, even one I haven't seen, I can usually begin and end it anywhere.

Thrillers/horror movies I only watch in October. Any other time doesn't really make sense.

We usually watch Black Comedies, suspense, deep thinkers, etc. and those I have to watch from start to finish, especially movies, like Inception and Tree of Life, that I may have to watch more than once.

NaBloPoMo Beginnings Day 15

What is the best first line of a book? Why?

There is no possible way I can pick just one. Some books draw you in from line 1 and some you have to skim through the exposition to get to the thick of it. But here are some first lines of my favorite novels. I will be honest that I had to look some of these up, and to my surprise some aren't as gripping as others.

"It has been sixty-four years since the president and the Consortium identified love as a disease, and forty-three since the scientists perfected a cure.” Delirium by Lauren Oliver

"The gunman is useless. I know it. He knows it. The whole bank knows it." I Am Messenger Marcus Zusak

"It was a pleasure to burn." Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury

"There was a hand in the darkness, and it held a knife." The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman

"Mr and Mrs Dursley, of number four Privet Drive, were proud to say that they were perfectly normal, thank you very much." Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by JK Rowling

"There was no possibility of taking a walk that day." Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte

"Christmas won't be Christmas without any presents," grumbled Jo, lying on the rug." Little Women by Louisa May Alcott

"A few miles south of Soledad, the Salinas River drops in close to the hill-side bank and runs deep and green." Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck

"When he was nearly thirteen, my brother Jem got his arm badly broken at the elbow." To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee

"Benny Imura couldn't hold a job, so he took to killing." Rot & Ruin by Jonathan Maberry

“I’m ninety. Or ninety-three. One or the other.” Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen

Ok that is enough for now! So I guess I would say that where I do believe first lines are important, they don't make or break a book for me. Now last lines on the other hand...well, that's another post for another day.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

NaBloPoMo Beginnings Day 14

Tell us about your first teacher who was important to you.

As a teacher, I think about this a lot. I believe that all of my teachers were instrumental to my growing and learning. But the very first teacher who really reached me was my 3rd grade teacher. Heck, her classes were the only time in my life that I enjoyed Math, and that is saying a lot. It was because she went above and beyond to make learning fun! And it always was. She is definitely the type of teacher I strive to be. She was always fair. Her class was always structured. Our minds were always working. And learning was always fun. She even had a piano in her room! Amazing.

Monday, January 16, 2012

NaBloPoMo Beginnings Day 13

Tell us about some of your first toys.

There are so many...cabbage patch dolls, lincoln logs, little people house and farm. The one that always stands out is my Castle Grayskull. I loved it and played with it all of the time. I didn't have any brothers and sisters I had to share with so I pretty much ran my toy room. I am pretty sure barbie tried to move in a couple of times, but was always kidnapped by Skeletor, and ultimately wasn't He-man's type, since I am pretty sure he was more into Ken. Unfortunately I wasn't aware of this as a child. Interesting read:
Yes I spent countless hours with the Masters of the Universe and eventually got into She-Ra and remember fondly the Halloween I got to dress up as the Princess of Power. Looking back, I mostly remember playing with the He-Man action figures and the Castle of Grayskull. But I know when She-Ra came along, it was all over once I saw, Swiftwind, her Unicorn. I was heavily into Unicorns back in the day. . .heavily. But that is another post for another day.

Friday, January 13, 2012

NaBloPoMo Beginnings Day 12

Tell us about the first time you were in love.

Oh Troy Tredway, from the first grade. In my last post, I told a sad tale of 1st grade torture. It should only be appropriate that this one be of love. Although I don't know if it was love, but I remember swing sets and stolen kisses, so definitely my first crush. Looking back at my roller coaster of love, I feel pretty fulfilled as far as summer flings, broken hearts, tearful make-ups, tortured souls, Latino lovers, fall fairy tales, concert boyfriends (I was somebody's pit bitch at Slayer)! Oh the list could go on-the good, the bad, the ugly.

But above all, no regrets.

They all lead to the present.

I maintain that my husband is the first real love of my life. He taught me so much about love and there is still so much to learn.

NaBloPoMo Beginnings Day 11

Tell us about your earliest school memories.

I am trying to think of something positive like carefree days on the playground, moments of pure joy and silliness, etc. I am sure they are there, back in the far crevices of my warped mind. But the earliest memories are blocked by bullies. In 1st grade, I was tortured by older girls in 3rd grade. One I can picture as clear as day with her red curly hair and glasses. I don't remember her name and I think she was an older sister of a friend in my class because she is in a picture from one of my birthday parties and when I see that picture I always ask my mom how the hell she got there??
Anywho she and her friends would do things like throw my belongings in the shower, turn it on and threaten me if I told. Well one day the teacher caught me in the shower retrieving my things and I lost recess privileges for being in an unauthorized area. So I told my parents when I got home and they phoned the school AND the girls parents! WHY did parents do this?! The bully was forced to apologize and punished accordingly. Then I, in turn, was punished by her accordingly. She chased me into a bathroom stall and when I was trying to get door closed, it slammed on my finger. I never told the true story of how it happened. But I still have a scar on my finger. . .and maybe some emotional scars since it is my earliest memory of school. But I guess all early memories don't always have to be good and I definitely have some great memories later on.
And hopefully I am making some good memories for the students I teach. . .

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

NaBloPoMo Beginnings Day 10

Who was your first friend?

Is it cliché to say Books? I actually think they were my first real friends though. Growing up an only, adopted child, I wasn't exactly the model friend. There were a lot of girls that I played with, but I remember a lot of fighting too. It wasn't until later in life that I found a group of girls, who I am not ashamed (anymore) to admit taught me what it means to be a true friend and to love unconditionally. We all share each others' joys, sorrows, lives and it is like having this amazing huge family! Well it isn't like it, it is.

NaBloPoMo Beginnings Day 9

I am skipping today.

NaBloPoMo Beginnings Day 8

What is my earliest memory?

It's a toss up around the same time period. When I was four, I fell out of a tree house and was knocked unconscious. When I came to, I couldn't see...anything. I was completely blind. I am told that I was completely calm and to be honest I don't remember being freaked out. I kept asking who was talking and my mom thought that I couldn't remember but I nonchalantly told her that I couldn't see. I remember having to say it over and over. There was lots of holding things, fingers, food, etc. in front of my face to which I would have to tell her I didn't know what they were because I couldn't see. My mom, of course, was hysterical while I was calm, cool, collected. Looking back, we attributed my reaction to my watching a TON of Little House on the Prairie and Mary going blind. Interesting theory, but who knows?!
At any rate, I was taken to the hospital, woke up vomiting and eventually regained my eyesight. I will say that my first memory after I got my sight back was of a little girl across the room from me, pulling out her feeding tube. That is something I will never forget.

Some of my other favorite earliest memories are of my grandfather who died when I was four. I would always steal his recliner and he would come at me, shaking his finger. He couldn't holler at me to get out because he had mouth cancer. I don't remember him without his bandages. But I remember how much he loved to tease me about being in his chair. I remember how he loved to give me any change that was in his pockets. I remember how much he loved the Cubs and I would sit on his chair and he would slap the arm of his chair when they messed up and he would lift me up when they did well and we would clap! Most of all, even though I was so young and only knew him a short 4 years, I remember how much he loved me.

NaBloPoMo Beginnings Day 7

I am resting.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

NaBloPoMo Beginnings Day 6

Do you wish the start of the year was in a different season? Which one?

What an interesting question. . .I really have never thought of that. But really I think many people, including myself, view Spring as a time for new beginnings and really, but I don't know I think that the new year should begin in Spring. I think it is a perfect way for the beginnings that you started in January to come to fruition, like either, "Yeah, I made it to Spring!" or "Man, I fell off the horse, time to get back on and ride, outside where the weather is nice and the world is coming to life." Also my birthday is in Spring and people that know me know that I do not like to share my birthday. :)
Summer is too hot to celebrate a new year and I love 4th of July and wouldn't want to crouch on that celebration.
Fall is my most wonderful time of the year. I love everything about it, the leaves, the smells, the cooler temps, the list goes on. Fall is the time of year, my best friend became my husband. Both of my parents' birthdays are in the Fall. And best of all (kidding, wedding is best), Halloween is in the Fall!!!
So in conclusion, I believe that Winter is the best time to start a new year. Because in most places, things are dead and you get to watch them come to life in the upcoming months. It is beautiful and therapeutic in many ways.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

NaBloPoMo Beginnings Day 5

What is the hardest part about a beginning?

What isn't hard about a beginning? For me, it's the procrastination. I can put off beginning anything for years. I have boxes in my closets that haven't been opened since I moved in 2010. That is alarming and frighteningly hoader-like. I had half a mind to pick them up and throw them away but #1 I am eco-friendly and who knows what is in there? #2 I am storing things for people and what if the items in the box isn't mine? See how I just did that? Some people may read this and nod in agreement, while others may be screaming at me to open those boxes and get rid of these things I haven't even looked at in 2 years (maybe longer).
Another hard part is fear of failure. After years of resolutions that haven't stuck, the shininess wears off. It all sounds great. New Year, new ideas, new beginnings. But in reality, every day is new. Every moment is new. It's all a state of mind.
Which brings me to my answer: the hardest part of beginning is my own brain.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

NaBloPoMo Beginnings Day 4

Are you superstitious about beginnings? Anything you do to start out on the right foot?

I wouldn't really say I am superstitious about beginnings...I will say that I am a perpetual procrastinator and have some of the best excuses on putting any and everything off. But once I get into the swing of things, I am usually good to go. Until I'm not. I have tried so many diets and exercises, read so many articles and even a few books. But nothing seems to stick. This year I have joined the Biggest Loser at work and starting an exercise regimen with my husband. We'll see...

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

NaBloPoMo Beginnings Day 3

What is your favourite start-of-the-year tradition?
Oddly, it is getting back into my old routine. The holidaze are wonderful and exhausting. I love traveling, seeing family and friends, and overall celebrating...but by the end, I am ready to get back to school and where I hope not to fall into bad habits, I do love my job and the shiny new semester with new projects, books, students...and this semester, I even have my first student teacher. It will be interesting to see my life through someone else's eyes and experience.

NaBloPoMo Beginnings Day 2

What did you do on New Years Day?
Well I would love to say that I did some great new year ritual/ceremony, but alas, I slept most of the day away due to the ritual/ceremony of the nye celebration. I did get to do a bit of reflecting on the awesome tarot reading I received, what a blessing this year is to be. I guess you could say we did begin to watch the series, "Game of Thrones" (finally.) and thoroughly enjoyed the first couple episodes.

NaBloPoMo Beginnings

So I am starting this a couple days late, but that is just how I roll. I love this Lao Tzu quote: "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." Except somedays I feel as though I walk a thousand miles and never really get anywhere. As a special education teacher, it is easy to feel overworked and under-appreciated. The weird thing is that I don't usually feel that way while I am at school. It comes out when I get home. This year I am working on putting things into perspective, letting go and just taking it easy on myself.
I only have this blogspot to read other people's blogs. But starting now, that changes. May be my first change of the new year, but certainly will not be my last.