
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

NaBloPoMo Beginnings Day 24

Talk about an ending that made you happy.

Well looking back on life, I am sure I can be all deep and philosophical and discuss all of the endings that, in those moments, I thought was the end of the world. But with gained perspective and a bit of knowledge, I have come to realize they weren't endings at all, but beginnings that have ultimately led me here, to this place of happy.

But all that makes my head hurt.

So I am going to go with the end of Harry Potter. I have read the Epilogue over and over again. It is one of the most complete endings of a book. Another extremely poignant, yet beautiful ending was the series, "Six Feet Under." Wow, they really covered all of them. I don't want to go into detail in case there are those out there that have not experienced these endings and may want to some day.

I know we don't get to choose our endings in life, but maybe we can change the way we see them and take away that negative element that makes endings so sad and scary. Because no matter what, they are inevitable.

NaBloPoMo Beginnings Day 23

What new thing did you begin this past weekend?

Weeeell, I went to 3 different Lowe's in one day, consequently taking up a lot of a beautiful Saturday. For a little back story, we are refinishing our basement. When I say we, I mean mostly my parents. It is their retired project they are working on together. One could say that this is their way of continuing to systematically control me after all of these years. But hey, I get a free new basement out of it. So why 3 different Lowe's? Dad's military discount, that's why. I love a discount. Later down the road, when we are more financially secure to spend hundreds of dollars on light fixures, we may replace them. But for now, they'll not only do, but we are picked them out together and like them.
It has actually gone a LOT better than I thought it would. They have really listened to us and tried to accommodate our sometimes picky taste and opinions about how we want things to look. Plus we have pulled our weight...mudding is no joke. So most things we have agreed on, sometimes they have to concede with what we think looks best and sometimes we have to concede with what is easiest. But try to talk my dad into a handle rather than a knob (what's the difference you ask, good effin question.), and you will feel the wrath of my father. A handle does NOT belong on a bi-fold closet door. That is a job, only a knob can do.

NaBloPoMo Beginnings Day 22

How do you feel about unfinished projects?

My whole life is one unfinished project. Next question...

Thursday, January 26, 2012

NaBloPoMo Beginnings Day 21

What movies have you turned off in the middle, and why?

The only ones I can come up are horror movies. I have this rule where I can only watch horror movies in October. It just makes sense to me then. I will watch really terrible ones, too. But there have been a few that we couldn't make it through. Both my husband and I watch a lot of movies (well we used to watch more but that is neither here nor there). We really respect film and all that goes into it: directing, cinematography, lighting, acting, etc. But we are also not movie snobs and will watch silly, goofy movies and the occasionally romantic comedy, but try to steer clear of tragic love stories.
The last movie I watched and really enjoyed all of the elements: "Tree of Life." It is a real thinker and quite a conversation piece.
The last movie we watched until the bitter end and couldn't turn away even though maybe we should have: "Bellflower"
The last movie that was stupid but I laughed my arse off at: "A Good Old Fashioned Orgy"
The last movie that I thought was a really good coming of age movie since the likes of "Stand By Me": "Super 8"

NaBloPoMo Beginnings Day 20

How do you feel about not finishing a book once you've read a few chapters?

Easy. I do it all the time. There are some YA books that I cannot finish, some I will skip to the end, cringe, and never look back. There are a lot that I cannot put down and pull all-nighters to finish.
Now with adult books, especially those that come highly recommended by trustworthy sources, I may put them down now and come back to them. Sometimes I feel like it may not be the right time and place and that is ok.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

NaBloPoMo Beginnings Day 19

What is something you recently started that you know you won't finish?

Oh man, I don't even wanna think like that-why you be hatin' nablopomo? I have unfinished projects all over this house, but I WILL finish them...maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, maybe finishing them means throwing them away, but I refuse to take on negative talk when it comes to stuff like that. If it doesn't get finished, then it was never meant to, but in most cases things I start, I see through until the end.

NaBloPoMo Beginnings Day 18

What have you recently started that you know you'll finish?

Work for my GSA (Gay-Straight Alliance) at the high school. We have a trivia night coming up and wow, is it keeping me busy. It's a good thing I have a student teacher or I would be putting in some looooong days. But it has been some work, getting letters out to all of the community businesses to ask for donations and such for the silent auction. We still have so much to do, like decorations, money collection for tables, drawings, prizes, putting together stuff that we already have for the silent auction, oh and coming up with trivia questions-ah! I am probably forgetting somethings. This is our biggest fundraising event and it is stressful, but it will all come together and I do see an end in sight! It is definitely a big project that I have taken on, but when it comes to my GSA, I always follow through to the finish!