
Saturday, January 7, 2012

NaBloPoMo Beginnings Day 6

Do you wish the start of the year was in a different season? Which one?

What an interesting question. . .I really have never thought of that. But really I think many people, including myself, view Spring as a time for new beginnings and really, but I don't know I think that the new year should begin in Spring. I think it is a perfect way for the beginnings that you started in January to come to fruition, like either, "Yeah, I made it to Spring!" or "Man, I fell off the horse, time to get back on and ride, outside where the weather is nice and the world is coming to life." Also my birthday is in Spring and people that know me know that I do not like to share my birthday. :)
Summer is too hot to celebrate a new year and I love 4th of July and wouldn't want to crouch on that celebration.
Fall is my most wonderful time of the year. I love everything about it, the leaves, the smells, the cooler temps, the list goes on. Fall is the time of year, my best friend became my husband. Both of my parents' birthdays are in the Fall. And best of all (kidding, wedding is best), Halloween is in the Fall!!!
So in conclusion, I believe that Winter is the best time to start a new year. Because in most places, things are dead and you get to watch them come to life in the upcoming months. It is beautiful and therapeutic in many ways.

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